Lanzarote lockdown day 10
Lanzarote lockdown day 10
Posted on 24/03/2020
It was lovely to see all the emergency vehicles going around Arrecife last night with their sirens sounding and lights flashing then finishing by going past the hospital. It was their way of saying thank you to everybody for adhering to the lockdown here in Lanzarote. It was great to hear the applause coming from the grateful citizen in return.
Its been another busy day here as I get ready for tonight some great songs now ready to be played. I will be giving our lockdown song another rendering. I sent my lovely lady out to the bins today as she seemed a bit edgy and in need of some fresh air and to stretch her legs. Again today the weather has been a bit hit and miss. Coming to terms that we have another 20 days of this. Once again only go out if you have to go to work and buy what you need not what you think you do.