Lanzarote lockdown day 30
Lanzarote lockdown day 30
Posted on 13/04/2020
Thank you to all the medical staff and cleaners out there keeping us safe.
I hope everyone had a good Easter. It was a bit quite here not having family around to celebrate it with. We did though spend the time going through old pictures of our families. Talking about what there lives were like, how they must of struggled to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads. Life now is a bit like that, no work so no money coming in to pay the rent or bills. Although Spain has relaxed some of the restrictions. It won't help me and many of the islanders our work is all geared around holiday makers.
Tonight's at home gig has a wide range of songs involved. It has been really good to learn all these different styles, some have taken me longer than others, but eventually I fill confident to give the songs the justice they deserve. I'm still practicing on the keyboards and I will give you all a gig either just with keyboards or a bit of both. So for now continue to stay safe.