Lanzarote lockdown day 33
Lanzarote lockdown day 33
Posted on 16/04/2020
So once again I would like to thank everyone that is at risk while helping us through these troubled times. Particularly those that are on the frontline like my dear friend John Denham who is a first responder for the London Ambulance Service.
I first met John when I had returned from Lanzarote in the early 90s. I had just sailed a 35ft Ketch back for a Dr who had brought it. I had to sail it to Swanage stoping on my way at both Lisbon and Vienna de Costello in Portugal. Finally making port at Falmouth. Once back in England I needed to establish myself with a job. So I took a job driving a London Bus. It was while I was doing this that I first met John who was at the time also working as a London Bus driver at the same garage. John and I quickly struck up a firm friendship as we had so much in common. We lost touch after we both left London Transport. As our lives took different paths as we twisted and turned on life's highway. I was delighted when our paths crossed once again. It was like we had never lost touch and become close friends once again.
Johns job working for the London ambulance Service takes him at times into complex and sometimes difficult situations which I know he does with the most calming of manners. I know at this time he is placing himself in an extremely dangerous situation that are made all the more frightening by being on the frontline of this virus. It was my extreme pleasure to dedicate my Lockdown song to not only him but all his colleagues. I know that Johns wife Sue listens into every gig I do from home.
So it got me thinking about the people I have met along the way particularly through my music. I have always borrowed something from the musicians I have met along the way. I have a thirst to learn and have taken the best from these musicians. They have all played a part in moulding me into the musician I am today. I love my music and never want to loose my love for this art. I will always try to give my best to those who want to listen.