New video
New video
Posted on 18/08/2019
So here it is my new video for my own song “Did you ever”. It was a song I wrote some years ago while I was living in Teignmouth Devon. It has always been a popular song of mine and one I get asked most to sing at my gigs. I needed a good busking song at the time and one that made light of way I felt about a lost love. More resently people were asking me if I had any live material that didn’t have anyone else singing on and when I couldn’t find anything it was a no brainier to record a version of this track . Big thanks to my buddy Ernie who did a fantastic job on Bass and percussion . We had to shoot the video early in the morning before the restaurant opened so having not seen 10am for some years was a shock to the system. I must mention Mark Bennet and the lovely Emma Watkins for a great job it doesn’t get more live than this . So it’s practice practice for Dripping Springs in October I am so excited.