Next stop Dallas
Next stop Dallas
Posted on 03/11/2019
So after leaving Denver on an internal flight which was an experience in its self we made it to Dallas. So with guitar in hand we went to pick up my dream vehicle a Ford F-150. You can’t go to Texas and not drive a pickup. After a short drive to our hotel we made our way to The Gas Monkey Restaurant for something to eat. It was definitely worth the visit and more contacts made for the future.
Day 2 in Dallas took us to the Gas Monkey Garage. Being a former car mechanic ( my dad made me get a proper job when I left school ) it was on my list of places to visit while we were in Texas. It was a shame that only the merchandise shop was open to the public. He is missing a trick not allowing visitors to see their unsold works. So next it was to The outlets shopping centre I know how to keep my lovely lady happy for a few hours. Although neither of us were ready for the 80% humidity so back to the hotel we went.
Day 3 you can’t go to America without going into a guitar centre shop. Now I was in my element surrounded by my favourite things guitars. After a couple of hours trying out their acoustic guitars. I find and play what will be my next guitar a Taylor 814ce deluxe. Then it’s on to find the Miss Fits garage and Sue’s place. After finding them it was off for some lunch and some more site seeing. An early night was in order as it was a 400 mile drive the next morning.